Website Design
We build websites that are beautiful and make a lasting impression on potential new customers. Today, people are going to look for you online. We offer a website design that is simple and will work on all platforms. Take a look at some recent projects in our portfolio.
Content Development
Your marketing content must align with your target audience. With our technical writing experience, we can tell your story and help your customers to identify with what you have to offer. We start by learning about your products and services. We will create a content strategy to keep your content fresh and relevant.
Website Evaluation
We offer evaluation of your current website. The criteria used includes: design, navigation, content, SEO/Social media, efficiency, and usability. It is important to take into consideration your business values, goals and the expectations of your website users. We will design your website in a way that captures the interest of your users, is beautiful and is easy to use. Let us build it and your customers will come!
Photos and Videos
High quality media is an essential part of a website. We use beautiful professional photography and video to tell your story. Artistic use of media on your site is our specialty. We include media that represents your business in the best possible way. First impressions are lasting. Your homepage must be stunning and grab the attention of the reader within the first five seconds.
Search Engine Optimization
Our Goal when creating your site is to optimize the design for Google and Bing's search algorithms. We use keywords that best represent your brand throughout your site. We apply SEO in the tagging of titles, elements and images as well as a number of other steps to optimize each page of your website to improve the search ranking. We can help make your website rise to the top.
Social Media Marketing
Connecting with your target audience through social media is an effective way to be seen and heard. Your current and potential customers are using social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest or YouTube. We help you develop the right balance of exposure which will create value to your business and increase the numbers of followers and potential customers within your social network.
When you partner with Field of Dreams, you can rest easy in knowing that we are here to make any changes to your site. We will take care of everything, from updates to enhancements. We provide first class customer service. Monthly maintenance includes: updates to text or images, minor enhancements and the latest security, If you prefer to make your own content updates we will train you.
The last thing you need is to worry about your domain expiring or getting overcharged for web hosting. When we manage your website, we take care of hosting, server space, domain registration and other fees associated with apps in use on your website. Our customers will receive one bill from us and we handle interactions with 3rd party providers.